************************************************************** Advanced Speed Typing 98 (Version 1.1 ) ************************************************************** Contents: New in Version 1.1 ------------------ Installation ------------ This is Shareware ---------------- What is Advanced Speed Typing? ------------------------------ Advanced Speed Typing features ------------------------------ Disclaimer ---------- Vendors ------- Registration ------------ New in Version 1.1 ------------------ Version 1.1 has another game added. Also, the number of speed tests has doubled. There are now 20. Installation ------------ Just run the file "setup.exe" from the disk, or from the hard drive directory that Advanced Speed is in. If you downloaded Advanced Speed Typing in the form of a single zip file (astyping.zip), then you will have to unzip the file before running setup.exe. Utilities for unzipping zip files can be found at many web sites. This is Shareware ----------------- This is Shareware. This is NOT Freeware. Advanced Speed Typing 98 comes as a fully functional 30 day trial version. After 30 days, Advanced Speed Typing will no longer function. 30 days should be long enough to evaluate Advanced Speed Typing to see if it fills your needs. If you decide to use AST beyond 30 days you will have to register. Information on registering Advanced Speed is available within the program. Upon registering you will receive the number code to unlock your limited time trial version of Advanced Speed Typing 98 by e-mail within 24 hours (usually) of my receiving your order. You will also get the number to unlock the latest version of Letter Chase Typing Tutor for Windows 95 (2.0). When the next 2 versions of Advanced Speed Typing are out, you will be notified by e-mail and receive the number code to unlock those also. If you have no e-mail address then I can mail the code by regular mail upon request. David Ray 1322 Meridian Ave. Granite City, IL 62040 e-mail: F55U77@Prodigy.net or s22k77@granitecity.com Home page: http://www.letterchase.com ------------------ If you are new to computing, here is an explanation of shareware. You may find it helpful. Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. What is Advanced Speed Typing? ------------------------------ There are tons of typing tutors on the market already. Why another? Any typing tutor can teach you how to touch type, what was needed was a way to push experienced typists, who are not satisfied with their speed, into faster typing. AST is designed for that purpose. With Advanced Speed, the letters can be adjusted to appear at whatever WPM speed you want, regardless of the speed of your computer. This allows you to set the speed a little faster than you can type and chase after the letters until you catch up. You can repeat a line as many times as you want, which is a great help in learning often repeated letter combinations. The repetition of setting the speed higher and chasing after a new personal record, is not only fun, it will increase your hand speed significantly. After each set of lines, a window will appear and comment on your progress, or lack of it. (often teasingly). Advanced Speed Typing features! ------------------------------- Up to four family members can use AST, and separate charts will be kept for all four. The hands in the Beginners Section are animated; they move from "home row" position to the letter to type. You can repeat the animation just by pressing the spacebar. This will help you pick up on the direction and distance of the keys from the home row position. The Beginners Section also includes charts to help you visually detect any weaknesses in both accuracy and hand speed. All keys are charted, including numbers and symbols. An Intermediate section is included. With it you can practice words with commonly used letter combinations (ing, qu, ion, etc.). You can instantly pick the combination you want, by clicking a speed button. The file will automatically, go to the place you choose. Also, you can practice phrases or simple sentences. The intermediate section uses the animated hands. They can be adjusted to appear instantly, or be delayed by up to eight seconds. The Advanced section allows you to practice with four lines. Your practice will be more realistic, and a more accurate WPM score can be calculated. The Letter Chase section is unique to computer typing instructors. The letters appear at an adjustable WPM rate of speed. The challenge is to set it slightly faster than you can normally type and then try to catch up. The speed adjuster can adjust to any WPM rate you want, regardless of the speed of your computer. Word Sweep is a section for developing Speed with the most commonly used words in the English language. Advanced Speed Typing comes with a section to learn the number keypad as well as a typing game. (the game comes with the 32 bit version only). Speed tests are provided so you can test your progress. Hardware Requirements: The Windows version requires a 486 SX20 compatible computer, or faster. Windows 95/98 is required. You will need 8 Megabytes of RAM, or more. AST requires 800x600x256 screen resolution or higher, small fonts and large. Advanced Speed Typing is compiled with a state of the art compiler, from Borland International, Inc. Therefore, there is no huge runtime modual. Disclaimer ---------- Users of Advanced Speed Typing 98 (all versions) must accept this disclaimer of warranty: Advanced Speed Typing 98 is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or conse-quential, which may result from the use of Advanced Speed Typing 98. In no event shall the Author of Advanced Speed Typing 98 (all versions) be liable to the licensee (including all users) for damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Advanced Speed Typing 98. Vendors ------- This program may be distributed on CD-ROM's or placed on bulletin boards. However contact me by e-mail first. This is needed for future upgrades. Registration ------------ Single-User License: The cost of registration for a single user is $17.40. A Single-User registration allows a user to make his registered copy available to 3 additional family members (only) to use, on a single computer. Multi-User License: A site and right-to-copy may also be purchased. Educational and government institutions, corporations, offices or workgroups may purchase the right to legally copy onto more than one computer at a time. Copying is permitted up to the quantity ordered. The use of each copy will not be restricted to a single location. Those desiring to use Advanced Speed Typing on a network need to purchase for the maximum workstation/ keyboards to be used. When used on a network system, each user is considered to be using a distinct copy of the licensed program. Number of License Fee Users Per User 1 $17.40 11 to 20 $9.00 21 to 30 $7.00 31 to 50 $5.00 51 to 100 $3.00 101 to 300 $2.20 301 to 600 $2.00 601 to 1000 $1.50 Multi-User License agreement: 1).The author of Advanced Speed Typing 98 does Not agree to alter any part of the program to make it suitable or more suitable to a given purpose. All license purchasers must evaluate as to whether or not Advanced Speed Typing 98 for Windows 95/98 (1.0) is suitable for use prior to purchasing a site and right-to-copy agreement. (Note: minor alterations may be possible. Contact the author by e-mail before purchasing.) 2).The author of Advanced Speed Typing 98 does not agree to provide free upgrades to site and right to copy licensees. 3).Users of Advanced Speed Typing 98 (all versions) must accept this disclaimer of warranty: Advanced Speed Typing is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Advanced Speed Typing 98. 4).In no event shall the Author of Advanced Speed Typing 98 (all versions) be liable to the licensee (including all users) for damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Advanced Speed Typing 98. *************************************************************** Advanced Speed Typing 98 1.1 is Copyright 1998 by David Ray All rights reserved. David Ray 1322 Meridian Ave. Granite City, IL 62040 e-mail: F55U77@Prodigy.net or s22k77@granitecity.com Home page: http://www.letterchase.com